

Professional Weight Loss Consultant and Advisor to Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Professionals and individuals in the North Carolina area. Creating and implementing Wellness programs for company staff and team members. Works with gym owners and professional trainers to provide wellness advice for high risk clients and members.

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tonipicHi.  My name is Toni Gilmore

I’m currently on my 13th year of collecting data for my ongoing private Obesity Research. Analyzing individual nutritional needs and assessing metabolic states. Working one on one with individuals and their health issues to ensure overall health and wellness. Educating clients and patients on Nutrition and multiple Diseases and Disorders including Body Dissatisfaction and Sub-Clinical Eating Attitudes. Working with patients with behaviors such as Bulimia Nervosa and Low Self-esteem. Also working on the latest research regarding Genetically Modified corn and soy beans and how GMO impacts our immune systems.


BT&N Wellness Clinic / Body Transformations & Nutrition, Inc

2001 - Present
Specialize in the metabolism of different body types and how genetics and lifestyles affect your long term health.

QuintilesSenior Project Speicalist, Quintiles Physician Management (QPM) Database     Quintiles
1992 - 2001 (9 years)Research Triangle Park

Analyzing and acquiring internal and external physician data for corporate database. Accessing corporate physician value. Responsible for Risk Analysis, Risk Management, Project Processes, Project Timelines, Protocol Review, Contract and Work order evaluation, Scope of Work, Project Budget Management, Investigator Meeting Coordination and Planning, Clinical Monitoring, Drug Development and Clinical Supplies.

Study Experience
Full-scope 400 Patient/60 Site Phase IV study conducted in the U.S. (Diabetes Type II post Myocardial Infarction)
Full-scope 300 Patient/35 Site Phase IV study conducted in the U.S. (Fibrin Sealant used in CABG Patients)
Full-scope 500 Patient/84 Site Phase III Rx to OTC Switch studies conducted in the U.S. (Retail Setting) 
Full-scope 450 Patient/58 Site Phase III Rx to OTC Switch studies conducted in the U.S. (Retail Setting) 
Full-scope 600 Patient/20 Site Phase IV Rx to OTC Switch studies conducted in the U.S. (Pharmacy Setting)

Independent Coursework

    • Nutrition Case Management
    • Project Management
    • Drug Development
    • Investigator Recruitment
    • Clinical Monitoring
    • Clinical Supplies
    • FDA Review and Approval Process


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